
One of Us Will Die Inside These Arms

The other day, my radiation nurse asked how Paul was doing with treatment.

“Oh, he’s ok. I mean. Well. Actually. No.” I paused, unsure how to finish that sentence. I mean
how do you casually tell people your husband is dying? (I probably did it very wrong.)

I stumbled through the key points: 

  • Paul stopped the chemo pill he was on. 
  • He probably won't pursue any more treatment. 
  • He’s focusing on enjoying what time he has left. 

See? It’s like dropping a bomb on people. 

It’s also been a major reason for the gaps between my evasive blog posts lately. It hurts too much to think those thoughts. It hurts worse to give them shape.

We had a great Christmas. Absolutely, we did. It was very special.


Everything has taken on this weird blend of light and dark, happy and sad, gratitude and grief.

About a month ago, Paul went into the clinic for routine bloodwork. It was the usual state of affairs: low hemoglobin, requiring a cocktail of A- blood. Blood transfusions are an all-day event, so we passed the time by discussing fun topics such as: which photograph we should use in his obituary, and a Buy-One-Get-One headstone promo Paul considered “a deal we should jump on!”

When his oncologist stopped by, Paul broached the subject of stopping treatment. We wanted to get her honest input on the subject. Realistically, Paul asked, aren’t I coming to the end of the line in terms of treatment available to me?

Her tone was gentle, yet matter-of-fact: “Yes, we’re getting close to that point. Our options are winding down.”

In all of his years as a patient, a concrete timeline has never been assigned to Paul’s survival. Until very recently, the majority of our medical consultations have danced around the fact that his cancer would result in, uh, death. The language is usually more geared towards survival: treatments, clinical trials, getting better, the future.

Things are shifting, though. It’s impossible not to notice.

When I met him, Paul was a strapping, wood-chopping, winter-camping kind of dude with thick sideburns and an unhurried, mellow temperament. I found him extraordinarily charming in his Grateful Dead t-shirts and ‘93 stick-shift Volvo. He was easy to befriend. He was easy to fall in love with. 

Summer in Wisconsin, 2007

The sideburns and the Volvo have long since bit the dust, and we don’t do much camping these days. Certainly not in the hollowed-out cavern of a snow mound. (Paul maintains this is an enjoyable activity. We agree to disagree on the matter.)

He’s still charming, and he still has a laugh that makes my insides gooey. But he now checks in at 136 pounds and he sometimes needs help getting into a standing position.

Before the holidays, Paul’s palliative care doctor asked, ever so gently, if we had worked out his end-of-life wishes. She gave us pamphlets with photographs of silvery-haired couples and instructions on how to initiate this conversation. Not a cheery read. But I was grateful for her candid approach. 

Last month, we got in touch with an end-of-life wish-granting organization. I gave the forms to Paul’s oncologist, who happily completed them. Afterward, I scanned what she had written in the space following “Patient’s Life Expectancy”6-12 months.

6-12 months.

Could be more, could be less. But I don’t think those numbers are far off the mark.

I’ve been hesitant with posting, too, because I don’t want to be this woe-is-me harbinger of gloom. So I’m sad, so what. Everyone is sad.

And people have been so good to us. So generous, so kind and helpful. Who needs to hear how I can’t drive anywhere without some stupid Ed Sheeran song on the stupid radio making me bawl my stupid eyes out? (It’s terrific trying to compose myself at red lights. Nothing to see here, folks. Just a slightly hysterical woman who maybe shouldn’t be driving.)

A few weeks ago, Ingrid approached me with a serious look on her face.

“Mom? Is my Dad ok?”

Me: “What makes you ask that?”

Ingrid: “My Dad is…so…(she stammered in search of the appropriate adjective) SAD.”

He is sad, naturally. But he’s still Paul and he still jokes in his singularly “Paul” way. His 33rd birthday fell on Thanksgiving this year. While planning our menu and arguing the superior features of our preferred holiday desserts, Paul played the dying card
—he played it hard.

“But Liz, you do know this is going to be my LAST Thanksgiving, right? My LAST birthday.”

Me: “...”

Paul: “Cherry pie it is then.”

I’m sorry for this party pooper of a post. But then, I write about cancer. Not much happy stuff to report on the topic, I’m afraid.

Please know we are so grateful for all of the encouragement and meals and Wegmans gift cards and prayers we’re still receiving. I wish I could give every single one of you a giant bear hug to say “Thank you, we love you, you’re making this so much easier for us.” Except it would be less of a giant bear hug and more of a delicate fist bump because I’m not a hugger and, well, you understand.



  1. Oh Liz. I hate this so much for you. I'm praying and praying for some semblance of peace in moments, and for a lot of comfort in the coming months. I've walked with a lot of families down this road and I'm feeling for you deeply. Much love to you all.

    1. Thank you Kristin. We are hugely comforted by all the prayers. <3

  2. Liz--you two are an amazing couple. I think about you guys so often. I remember spending that conference time with you guys and Ingrid. I am so sad to hear this news. And wow--Ingrid is so intuitive! Cancer just sucks. I am sending you loving hope. Also--have you talked to Mary H at Meso Foundation to see if she has any ideas for Paul? I so remember having those thoughts that he is having about the last of everything. I so hope it isn't true for him and you, and mostly Ingrid. I also do not know how you have done all you do. You are a true heroine.

    1. Dawn, thank you so much for reading and commenting. We were so fortunate to attend that conference - it made a huge difference in the way we approached Paul's illness. Ingrid was such a little peanut back then! Sometimes I think I underestimate how much she understands about what is going on - she is so sweet, though - always asking if mommy and daddy's "boo-boos" are better. ;)

      Thank you for your kind words. Sending you lots of love and prayers!

  3. Lady. It has been difficult just as a friend to see the transitions that Paul has gone through. How is this happening to that same hilarious dude that I used to share a “lunch beer” (via Skype) with during the work day when we worked together at that horrible, horrible job? It’s hard to reconcile with that with his cancer. I don’t want to believe that there’s an end. That’s why I commend you sincerely on how flipping strong you are. Gives me hope that I can try and act accordingly when life’s gonna hurl spitballs at me in the future. I love you three knuckleheads a stupid amount.

    1. If there's one thing I can say with complete certainty, it's this: if my pathetic, sensitive, easily overwhelmed self can somehow scrape through this giant turd life has tossed into our laps, then omggggg, you can move mountains, girl. I love you and I'm sure Paul misses his old "lunch beers" as well, just not that job maybe. Although he did get to work in his underpants, and that's more than most of us can say.

    2. You’re so right. I actually never did the underpants technique and now I’m realizing that Paul will always be cooler than me. Also I’ve yet to be able to rock two different plaids simultaneously.

      Your writing blows me away, Liz. I’ve re-read this one several times now. Cried guaranteed every time. But you also have such a *chefs kiss* blend of speech that is so uniquely uh.. Liz-y.. Reminds me of our nutty days with LJ. I know you insist on not loving hugs but I’m gonna getcha good soon so wait for it.

  4. Hi Liz,
    I have no words that might matter much or make any sort of difference. But please know, I am thinking about you and your family. I admire and respect you for opening up your world and allowing us this glimpse into your reality. May you guys find moments of peace mixed in with your other feelings, whatever those might be, as you make your way through the months ahead.

    1. Thank you Nancy. And your words do matter. Everyone that has reached out to us, offering words of kindness, hope, peace - it shows us we are never alone in our suffering. <3

  5. I'm so sorry to hear this :( I will pray for Paul and have my mom add him to her very large prayer list
