
Light Strikes A Deal With Each Coming Night

I'm pretty careful about what I listen to these days because I'm a great jumble of unchecked emotions and just about anything can (and will) set off waterworks. And when I say "anything" I mean that in the most literal sense. Like yesterday I cried watching a dad tow his kids behind his bike down the street. And then I laughed because that is 100% insane.

Anyway, Spotify thinks it's a fun time to throw in the occasional tune that will oh
just completely destroy me. This is my attempt at paying it forward. Enjoy the cathartic cry.

Each Coming Night by Iron & Wine

 Will you say when I'm gone away:
"My lover came to me and we'd lay
In rooms unfamiliar but until now"

Will you say to them when I'm gone away:
"I loved your son for his sturdy arms
We both learned to cradle then live without"

Will you say when I'm gone away:
"Your father's body was judgement day
We both dove and rose to the riverside"

Will you say to me when I'm gone:
"Your face has faded but lingers on
Because light strikes a deal with each coming night"

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